Ischemic heart disease is a global problem of global health. Coronary heart disease for many years is the main cause of death in many developed countries. The main clinical
manifestation of coronary heart disease is angina. In this review highlights common features of the pathogenesis of the coronary artery disease. The article presents an analysis of using of the drug Mexicor for the treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease: stable angina II – III FC. Were treated patients with standard therapy in combination with drug Mexicor. Mexicor – antioxidant drug with anti-ischemic, anti-anginal ,anti-hypoxic, angioprotective, cholesterol-lowering and nootropic effect regulating the metabolic processes in the myocardium and vascular wall . Indications, contraindications, major clinical trials of the drug in patients with ischemic heart disease are considered. The article discusses mechanisms of effect of Mexicor in the context of studying its effects on pre-clinical and clinical levels in the treatment of coronary artery disease. The course of disease and effectiveness of treatment was evaluated on the basis of clinical, laboratory and instrumental data. Revealed the effectiveness of the drug Mexicor for the treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease: stable angina II – III FC. The received results allow us to recommend for wide implementation the preparation in complex therapy of patients with ischemic heart disease. Adding Mexicor to standard therapy in patients with coronary artery disease has a positive effect on the clinical condition of the patient , increasing exercise tolerance and improve quality of life.
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