• Захарчук Тетяна Миколаївна Практичний психолог, м.Сарни Рівненської обл. Україна, аспірант НУ «Острозька академія»
Keywords: the purpose of cognitive development, the effectiveness of learning, metacognitive ability, the purpose of cognition, the purpose of thinking, metapamyat, thinking operations


The article deals with theoretical concepts and approaches to the problem of meta cognitive abilities, psychological aspects of the formation and development of meta processes in adulthood and childhood. The views of scientists on the problems of the purpose of processes in psychological science are revealed. The peculiarities of the development of mental operations within the framework of metacognitivism are considered, based on the views of foreign and domestic scholars.


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How to Cite
Захарчук Тетяна Миколаївна. (2019). ПОГЛЯД ЗАРУБІЖНИХ ТА ВІТЧИЗНЯНИХ НАУКОВЦІВ НА ПРОБЛЕМУ МЕТАКОГНІТИВНИХ ЗДІБНОСТЕЙ. World Science, 3(8(48), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31082019/6645