• Парфентьєва І. П. доктор філософії в галузі освіти, доцент кафедри музичного мистецтва, Україна, м. Миколаїв, Миколаївський національний університет імені В. О. Сухомлинського
  • Матвійчук К. О. магістр, Україна, м. Миколаїв, Миколаївський національний університет імені В. О. Сухомлинського
Keywords: heuristics, method of finding, education, pedagogical heuristics


The article deals with the term "heuristics", which in scientific knowledge has the designation as a "method of finding." The author conducts an analysis of scientific literature on the interpretation of heuristics as a scientific concept. Heuristics as an independent science has not been fully formed yet. Despite the large number of scientific papers devoted to questions of heuristics, they usually relate to its particular problems and do not give a clear idea of either the object or subject of heuristics or its status among other sciences. It is suggested that pedagogical heuristics are defined as one of the branches of heuristics, which studies fundamental principles of didactics and the systematic organization of students' heuristic activity in a supervised interaction of a teacher and implements them in general and in vocational education using the system of problem tasks for the purposeful development of intelligence. The main tasks of pedagogical heuristics interact with the tasks of didactics in the qualitative formation of a future specialist. Therefore, pedagogical heuristics in researches use heuristic methods that allow to accelerate the process of solving any problem.


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How to Cite
Парфентьєва І. П., & Матвійчук К. О. (2018). ЕТИМОЛОГІЯ ПОНЯТТЯ “ЕВРИСТИЧНИЙ ПІДХІД”. World Science, 3(8(36), 46-49. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30082018/6078