• Vyacheslav Royanov Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Automation and Mechanization of Welding Production, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskiy State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Irina Zakharova PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Mechanization of Welding Production, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskiy State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Mykyta Kriuchkov Graduate student, Department of Automation and Mechanization of Welding Production, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskiy State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine
  • Valeriy Chigarev Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Automation and Mechanization of Welding Production, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskiy State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine
Keywords: mass of liquid metal, parameters of the electric arc mode, pulsating air flow, sprayed surface


The essence of the process of electric arc spraying, consists in melting the electrodes with an electric arc and continuous separation of the liquid metal formed at the ends of the electrodes, a stream of compressed air and dispersing it on the sprayed surface
To use the periodic removal of pulsating air flow of liquid metal from the ends of the electrodes, it is important to solve the problem of guaranteeing the exclusion of short circuits of electrodes in the complete absence of spray flow and constant continuous supply of electrodes to the combustion zone of the arc. short circuit and when the spray flow is turned on after a pause will ensure the separation and transportation of liquid metal from the ends of the electrodes on the sprayed surface.
It is important to determine the optimal mass of liquid metal and the time of formation of a drop of liquid metal depending on the technological parameters of the sprayed electrodes and the energy level of the arc that melts the electrodes.
Studies of the determining factors of this process, namely the parameters of the electric arc mode, diameter, material and feed rate of the electrodes are presented.


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How to Cite
Vyacheslav Royanov, Irina Zakharova, Mykyta Kriuchkov, & Valeriy Chigarev. (2020). INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS, DETERMINING DISPERSITY OF COATING PARTICLES AT ARC SPUTTERING WITH PULSATING SPRAYING STREAM. World Science, 1(6(58), 10-20.
Engineering Sciences