One of the complicated problems of traumatology in the treatment of patients with calcaneal fractures is prevention of diabetes mellitus consequences. The work presents the analysis of treatment results of 72 patients with calcaneal fractures treated by means of surgical method at the Traumatological Adult Department, of the Regional Clinical Hospital “Emergency Rescue Hospital” (ERH), Chernivtsi, for the period from 2011 to 2018. With the purpose to examine the efficacy of treatment of calcaneal fractures all the patients were distributed into three clinical groups, patients with diabetes mellitus were isolated, and remote results of treatment were compared. Therefore, analysis of surgical treatment remote results of intra-articular calcaneal fractures in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus demonstrated that application of closed reposition under electrical optical transducer (EOT) control and fixation by means of wires leads to 44,38% improvement of treatment results, shortened terms of inability-to-work and disability.
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