The data, showing that the technology developed of drying persimmons is at such a level that even the correct selection of grades does not guarantee receipt of the final product of the highest quality. This is due to the fact that the known methods for the preparation of fruit of persimmon to drying, designed for cleaning its peel or cut into various shapes sector may be used only in a very short post-harvest when persimmon still solid and has not acquired yet its best taste. Clearly, in this case the product and drying it may not have the best taste, which is acquired after a certain period of persimmon extracts to its softening point. And this situation will remain unchanged until you come up with a way to pre-treatment before it is dried persimmon, which would be universal and would be suited for the preparation of dried persimmons to all grades and any degree of softening. But it is not yet able persimmon smaller or greater softness in which it remains almost the entire holding period after collection, is not suitable treatment known methods.
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