• Lomova E. A. Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abai
Keywords: “women question”, women equil rights, Orthodo cultura, social aspect, phenomen of “new nife”, “southern women”


At the end of XX - beginning of XXI century creativity of Dostoevsky Russian writer was experienced a new surge of attention of foreign scientists to the female images and in this direction turned to intensive research studies in the US and the UK.
Authors of these works considered heroines of the writer in the context of Orthodox culture, as well as studied the irrational nature of their dual nature, to allow to speak about the current trends in the West, to the interpretation of women's images of the writer as a synthesis of mythological, Christian and psychological features.
It goes without saying that the "female" issue occupied an important place in the works of American writers as one of the "dimensions" of historical and cultural development of artistic consciousness and creativity.
As one of the dominant themes in American literature XIX- end of the beginning of XX centuries, it provided the key to understanding the place of women in society, her role in the development of social progress, the issue of the specificity of her rights and freedoms.


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How to Cite
Lomova E. A. (2016). "WOMEN’S TOPIC" IN PROSE AND ITS RECEPTION IN RUSSIA AND THE ANGLO-AMERICAN SLAVIC STUDIES. World Science, 4(2(6), 42-45. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/960