The paper estimated the need for predicting the relaxation properties of polymers, which is important for indicators of durability of details engineering designs made of polymer materials.
Stading the factors affecting the workingstablate products from polymeric materials, as well as the need to identify-ing and forecasting the durability of components operating in conditions of friction at a constant strain. The analysis found that, for polymeric materials equilibrium voltage is a function of strain rate, the sample shape first voltage, the degree of crosslinking of macromolecules temperature, of exposure, wear and other . An analysis of existing and described by the author of mathematical descriptions for evaluating performance of polymeric materials installed the necessary indicators of stress relaxation in polymer materials and predetermine the values of the parameters the experimental methods.
In order to determine the experimental method necessary indicators of stress relaxation of polymeric materials in friction and wear designed installation - triborelaksometr. A description of the device installation, loading conditions, and measuring the load and friction coefficient "polymer- counterbody". To evaluate the stress relaxation of polymeric materials in terms of friction and wear as the test sample is analyzed in a polymeric material can be used as counterpaces any engineering materials and products with different types of surface coatings.
The unit has load generating unit providing permanent deformation of the polymer sample during the test, as well as the connected hardware and software system allowing to obtain the necessary results of the numerical values of the parameters or get a graph of the load on the relaxation time.
Investigation of the relaxation of polymeric materials can be carried out under dry friction conditions and under lubrication. To measure the stress relaxation of a polymeric sample material is deformed to a predetermined value that remains constant over time, and the initial stress required to maintain this deformation decreases with time. Using of the triborelaksometr greatly simplifies the measurement of stress relaxation in the polymeric materials in the conditions of friction due to the stability and compactness of installation and reliability of measurements and accuracy of measurement in the concrete conditions of friction polymer material with any structural materials provided with the use of hardware and software "Spider" for measuring .
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