• Джураева Г. Х. К. т. н., доцент «Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт»
  • Мирзакулов Х. Ч. д. т. н., профессор «Ташкентский химико – технологический институт»
  • Давлатов Ф. Ф. «Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт»
  • Ахмедов А. С. «Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт»
Keywords: mirabilite (the salts), dehydration, sludge, thenardite, Glauber's salt, incongruent melting


The similarity of natural sodium sulphate-containing raw materials of various fields of the Earth leads to community of technology for production of sodium sulfate. However, the specific features of producing, mineralogical and chemical composition of raw materials in different countries define a certain uniqueness of the organization of production in each of them.
A specific feature of the chemical composition of natural mirabilite Tumryuksk field that it means the content of impurity salt halite, gypsum and epsomite not very high. This allows to obtain therefrom anhydrous sodium sulfate mirabilite without intermediate isolation. With good qualitative and quantitative characteristics of natural mirabilite obtain commercial sodium sulfate deposits of mirabilite Tumryuksk advisable to carry out the scheme provides for the dissolution of salts, separating the insoluble residue, the resulting solution and cleaning residue.
In connection with this process is studied residue purified sodium sulphate solution obtained by leaching of natural raw water at 50 ° C. The dependence of the change in composition of the liquid phase and the amount of released sodium sulfate in the solid phase from the degree of removal of water from the solution. It is found that with increasing the amount of water removing the impurity salts sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate and calcium in solution increases and the content of sodium sulfate is reduced slightly.
Based on studies developed technological scheme of mirabilite Tumryuksk field on sodium sulfate. Held in terms of pilot testing technology of processing deposits of salts Tumryuksk the possibility of obtaining sodium sulphate by dissolution of salts in water with simultaneous cleaning solutions from insoluble residues and impurities, followed by evaporation and obtain a higher grade of sodium sulphate.


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How to Cite
Джураева Г. Х., Мирзакулов Х. Ч., Давлатов Ф. Ф., & Ахмедов А. С. (2016). ПЕРЕРАБОТКА МИРАБИЛИТА ТУМРЮКСКОГО МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯ НА СУЛЬФАТ НАТРИЯ. World Science, 1(2(6), 59-63. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/847
Engineering Sciences