• Evgeniya Vladeva Department оf Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Thalassotherapy Faculty оf Public Health, Medical University оf Varna, Bulgaria
Keywords: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tekar, Deep Oscillations, High Energy Laser Therapy, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Polarised Light Therapy, High-Intensity Electromagnetic Field, Electrotherapy


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compression neuropathy, affecting nearly 5% of the general population. The modern approach to its treatment is complex and includes early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of all conditions and diseases leading to its manifestation.

Many authors have worked on the problems related to the possibilities of physical therapy in treating CTS, but the question of optimal treatment and rehabilitation remains relevant to this day. In practice, various rehabilitation programs are constantly being implemented and developed. Many have demonstrated positive outcomes, but work in this area persists. Every novel approach or integration of established physiotherapeutic and rehabilitation techniques enhances the current methods and expands the potential for more comprehensive functional recovery of the impaired limb, as well as the patient's restoration to their previous lifestyle.

Physical therapy has advanced significantly in recent decades due to the introduction of numerous new techniques and technologies. The article offers a brief literature overview of several contemporary physical medicine approaches that can be applied in the conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome based on their physiological and therapeutic effects. Modern physical therapy approaches can be a viable alternative to established physical therapy methods like ultrasound, low-level laser, iontophoresis, magnetotherapy, TENS, and others. It is crucial to conduct additional qualitative and comprehensive investigations to verify the effectiveness of physical therapy in treating CTS, identify the most efficient ways, and create improved protocols for its conservative treatment.


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