• Кобилянська Т. В. Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини
Keywords: family, methodological approaches, vital functions of the family, family functions, family structure, socialization, family relationships


The article presents methodological approaches to the disclosure of family life as a unique system. It is established that through a functional approach it can be understood the description of the main functions, for which the family is oriented; from the standpoint of the system-structural approach, the family is a pedagogical system with the unity of all its components, which are in certain connections and relationships; the sociological approach is aimed at studying the social essence of the family and its interactions with other social institutions; on the basis of the activity approach, the main activities and relationships in the family and their influence on the development of personality are investigated; Through the culturological approach, the family is recognized as the main bearer of cultural patterns inherited from generation to generation. It is disclosed that each approach is specifically aimed at the disclosure of a particular aspect of the family's life, therefore, it does not provide a coherent picture of its educational potential.


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How to Cite
Кобилянська Т. В. (2018). МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО РОЗКРИТТЯ ЖИТТЄДІЯЛЬНОСТІ СІМ’Ї ЯК УНІКАЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ. World Science, 2(10(38), 16-22. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31102018/6182