The authors suggest an analysis of the main innovative transformations in modern education, presenting an agreed construct: transdisciplinarity ↔ STEM ↔ adaptive management. Thus, the emergence of a completely new structure is revealed, which requires scientific awareness, confirmation, justification and development of new solutions to gain knowledge. In that sense, the emergence of such a “scientific anomaly” – a transdisciplinary paradigm that generates a new vision on knowledge management in the period of the formation of a STEM education – STEM management is evidenced. In addition, an adaptive approach will play a key role in the course of this process. Since any process in the educational space cannot be carried out without the impact of its system management, it makes sense to consider the phenomenon of STEM education in the vector of appropriate STEM knowledge management. It is also important that the emerging innovations in the context of the adaptive approach represent a definite vision of the paradigm – transdisciplinary, which has been gradually introduced into the existing education system for many years, having the basis of interdisciplinary, integration relationships and models. The article raises the problem of the need to develop new scientific concepts and theories that will provide a description of this paradigm in all its extraordinary outpouring and practical directions of scientific knowledge.
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