The paper deals with the topical issue of urban transport aimed at ensuring the safety of the transportation process is an important condition for high quality passenger service. The basis of the reliability of the transportation process in the city bus service is the implementation of a given number of flights specified in the route schedule of movement. Studies have determined that due to the influence of various disturbing effects of the random nature of the number of flights specified in the timetable is not met and there is failure of the transportation process.
The article presents the science-based methods to determine the feasibility of reserve buses. It is known that the reservation is widely used in many fields of technology. Described in the article backup method is fundamentally different from the known method allows a differentiated approach to the definition of reserve buses and their use on routes. For the convenience of a nomogram developed determine the number of buses on standby periods of the day, which is shown in this article.
Rapid distribution of different brands of bus routes is one of the labor-intensive work of operational services of passenger transport companies. From the clear solution to this problem depends on the quality of passenger service on the entire route network of the city. To solve the problem of operational distribution between the routes of buses for the next day in the paper justified the proposed two criteria: coefficient - buses deficit on the routes and zero mileage for redundant buses under certain restrictions. The proposed criteria for the operational organizations for solving the problem of distribution of buses on routes allow you to create equal conditions of passengers travel on various routes, and efficiently distribute reserve buses on routes and ATP, where there is underproduction of buses on the line. The article also shows the developed block - diagram of operational distribution of different brands of buses on routes in the conditions of use reserve buses.
Creation of an automated control system is the main way of improving the integrated operation of road passenger transport. Baku is now to create a center of intellectual transport management based on the latest automated technology management. In these circumstances the main task of the transportation process is decided by two factors: the volume of movement and quality, ie, regularity, the effectiveness of which may be provided by the implementation of the recommendations in this article.
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Спирин И.В. Резервирование автобусов на городском транспорте. – М.: ЦБНТИ Минавтотранса РСФСР, 1980.
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