• Пивоваров А. А. Кандидат пед. наук, институт развития образования Кировской области
Keywords: distance learning, DO regional network, Gant's chart, «reset» of consciousness of teachers, MS Project 2007 program, Lync network


E-learning was quite a long way of evolution, adapting to the peculiarities of the system of professional development of teachers. The modern teacher is a very busy man, therefore, prefer to study at a convenient time. For this purpose, the network laid out a schedule that by necessity will be activated. The teacher at the right time comes for it on course (as they are proposed with a substantial excess) and selects a set of modules (individual educational program) and implements it.
E-learning is directly related to the network interaction of educational organizations to implement additional educational programs. To meet this direction in the Kirov region created by the school district. It is this kind of social partnership, when several educational organizations grouped around the strongest institutions and attract educational resources of the social partners. Thus, to integrate formal, non-formal and informal education of teachers.
As a scientific-methodological service of the project books of members of the Department of information technology and physical-mathematical education «Cloud technology for remote and media education» [1] and «School district: modeling network interaction» [2]. Today, the system of distance learning in IRO Kirov region is implemented with the help of «Prometheus».
When you enable this system, we have identified one major limitation – compulsory consultation (in remote mode), as well as lectures in the format of effective webinars. Another important advantage of this system is that almost all schools received free Office 365. Based on this, and there is the creation of a single regional network training.
For careful planning of any project should clearly know the objectives of the project, as its success depends on correct goal setting, especially for non-standard projects, where uncertainty and ambiguity of the final result is quite large.


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How to Cite
Пивоваров А. А. (2016). РАЗВИТИЕ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯ В СИСТЕМЕ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ ПЕДАГОГОВ. World Science, 4(3(7), 46-49. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1094