• Карымсакова А. Е. К. пед. н., Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева
Keywords: ability, classification of abilities, , actions


In this work various approaches to definition of the concept "ability" are analysed, classification of abilities is carried out, criteria and indicators of formation of abilities of scientific information activities of the student are revealed.
By the definition of the concept of "skill" in psychological and pedagogical literature, still there are discussions that began in the early 50-ies on the pages of magazines "Soviet pedagogy" and "Questions of psychology." Such authoritative scientists as E. I. Boyko, N. A. Rykov, K. K. Platonov, Z. I. Hodzhava took part in it. At different times E. V. Guryanov, A. Ts. Puni (1959), S. F addressed to the analysis of a problem. Zhuykov (1965, 1979), L. B. Itelson (1972, 1974), E. N. Kabanova-Meller (1962, 1968), A. M. Levinov (1980), P. A. Rudik (1972), M. S. Shekhter and A. Ya. Potapova, A. V. Usova (1991), V. Ya. Lyaudis, I. A. Zimnyaya (1995) and many other researchers. But, unfortunately, the standard and uniform point of view on the studied phenomenon wasn't developed.
Abilities of scientific information activities - it is the ways of performance of intellectual actions and cogitative operations with information mastered by the student (the analysis through synthesis, allocation of the main thing, generalization, classification and systematization) by means of the solution of metasubject tasks not mechanical search of standards, but the synthetic act of correlation of the purpose, the contents and conditions.


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How to Cite
Карымсакова А. Е. (2016). СТРУКТУРА И СОДЕРЖАНИЕ УМЕНИЙ НАУЧНО- ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ. World Science, 4(3(7), 35-40. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1092