• Hodovanets N. I. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Uzhhorod National University, The Department of Foreign Languages
  • Lehan V. P. Lecturer, Uzhhorod National University, The Department of Foreign Languages
Keywords: studying technologies, alternative methods, foreign language, communicative ability, teaching methods


The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of alternative methods of teaching a foreign language. Such technologies of training help students to develop necessary skills, increase interest in educational material, allow to make educational process more effective and individualized. The use of alternative methods in the study of a foreign language consists in application in the classroom various interactive learning tools: business games, multimedia lessons, internet communication technologies etc. Alternative methods promote the solution of problems of communicative character, helps to teach students to self-discipline and successful cooperation with each other, to work in team. The main advantages of such methods is overcoming of communicative barriers, hat often occurs when students study a foreign language. Alternative teaching methods include a method of complete physical reactions, suggestive method , drama-pedagogical teaching, silent and group method. Suggestive method of learning a foreign language is based on the selective lexical material commonly used in basic vocabulary. The main idea of drama-pedagogical method is that a foreign language teacher can borrow much for his professional practice from the art and actors. The method of complete physical reaction is based on concerted action and speech, speech training through physical (motor) activity. The main advantage of "silent" method is to improve oral communication skills, overcoming fear of linguistic accuracy and correctness of teaching ideas. "Group method" – basic principles of training were borrowed from the field of customer relations with consultant.It focuses on a combination of cognitive and emotional learning processes.


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How to Cite
Hodovanets N. I., & Lehan V. P. (2016). TO THE SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. World Science, 4(3(7), 29-31. Retrieved from