For Reviewers

The European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (EJITS) relies on the expertise and dedication of its reviewers to ensure the quality, accuracy, and impact of the articles it publishes. As a reviewer, your role is crucial in maintaining the integrity and scholarly standards of the journal. These guidelines provide an overview of the responsibilities, expectations, and ethical principles reviewers should follow when reviewing manuscripts for EJITS.

1. Responsibilities of Reviewers

As a reviewer, your primary responsibility is to provide an unbiased, thorough, and constructive assessment of the manuscript’s quality. This includes:

  • Evaluating the originality, significance, and contribution of the manuscript to the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Assessing the clarity, accuracy, and soundness of the research methodology, data, and analysis.
  • Providing detailed feedback to help authors improve their work, whether the manuscript is ultimately accepted, revised, or rejected.
  • Identifying potential ethical concerns such as plagiarism, duplicate submissions, or conflicts of interest.

2. Confidentiality

Manuscripts submitted to EJITS are considered confidential documents. Reviewers must:

  • Maintain confidentiality about the contents of the manuscript, including any data, results, or interpretations.
  • Not share or discuss the manuscript with anyone outside the editorial team unless authorized by the editor.
  • Ensure that all unpublished information contained in the manuscript remains confidential and is not used in the reviewer’s own research or activities.

3. Double-Blind Review Process

EJITS follows a double-blind peer review process, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. As a reviewer, you should:

  • Refrain from attempting to discover the identity of the authors.
  • Maintain anonymity in all communications related to the manuscript.

If you believe that you have identified the authors, you should inform the editor but continue to conduct an objective review.

4. Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers should avoid reviewing manuscripts in which they have a personal, financial, or professional conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest include:

  • Personal or professional relationships with the authors.
  • Direct competition with the authors in the subject area of the manuscript.
  • Financial ties to organizations that might benefit from the research.

If you identify a conflict of interest, you should notify the editor immediately and recuse yourself from the review process.

5. Timeliness

EJITS aims to provide authors with timely feedback. Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within two weeks of receiving the invitation. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you should:

  • Notify the editor as soon as possible, so that a replacement reviewer can be found.
  • Request an extension if you believe you can complete the review with additional time.

If you are unable to review the manuscript, please suggest alternative reviewers who have the appropriate expertise.

6. Review Criteria

Reviewers should evaluate the manuscript based on the following key criteria:

  • Relevance: Does the manuscript address important topics within the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems?
  • Originality: Is the research novel, and does it provide a new contribution to the field?
  • Clarity and Organization: Is the manuscript well-organized, clear, and easy to follow? Are the objectives, methods, and results clearly presented?
  • Methodology: Is the research methodology sound and appropriate for the study? Are the methods clearly described, allowing for replication of the research?
  • Data and Results: Are the data and results presented accurately, with appropriate statistical analysis where necessary?
  • Discussion and Conclusion: Do the conclusions drawn by the authors follow logically from the results? Are alternative explanations considered?
  • References: Are all relevant sources cited appropriately? Does the manuscript adhere to the journal’s References Guidelines (APA 7th Edition)?

Reviewers should also provide comments on the presentation of figures, tables, and supplementary materials.

7. Providing Constructive Feedback

Your feedback should help authors improve their manuscript. When providing feedback, consider the following:

  • Be specific: Identify specific areas where the manuscript can be improved, whether in terms of content, clarity, or presentation.
  • Be balanced: Provide both positive comments on what the authors did well and constructive criticism on areas that need improvement.
  • Be professional: Avoid making personal remarks or providing feedback that could be perceived as overly harsh. Focus on the quality of the research, not the authors.
  • Be clear and actionable: Offer suggestions for how the authors can address the concerns raised. If you recommend additional experiments, analyses, or revisions, specify what should be done.

8. Review Report Template

EJITS uses a standardized Review Report Template to ensure consistency and thoroughness in the review process. Reviewers should use this template to provide:

  • Summary: A brief summary of the manuscript, highlighting its main objectives and contributions.
  • Strengths: Positive aspects of the manuscript, such as originality, clarity, or relevance.
  • Weaknesses: Areas where the manuscript can be improved, including methodological concerns, unclear writing, or insufficient data analysis.
  • Recommendation: A recommendation based on your review. Choose one of the following:
    • Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication with no or minor revisions.
    • Minor Revisions: The manuscript can be accepted after minor revisions.
    • Major Revisions: The manuscript requires significant revisions before it can be considered for publication.
    • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication.

Ensure that all comments in the review report are clear, detailed, and supported by evidence.

9. Ethical Considerations

Reviewers should be alert to potential ethical issues in the manuscript, such as:

  • Plagiarism: If you suspect that part of the manuscript is plagiarized, notify the editor immediately with supporting evidence.
  • Duplicate Submission: If the manuscript appears to have been submitted to or published in another journal, inform the editor.
  • Data Fabrication or Manipulation: If the data presented seem questionable, raise your concerns with the editor.

Reviewers are expected to act with integrity and uphold the ethical standards of the journal at all times.

10. Recommending Revisions

If you recommend revisions (minor or major), provide clear guidance to the authors on how they can address your concerns. Specific suggestions for improvement should be provided in the Response to Reviewers section.

In the case of major revisions, the manuscript may be returned to you for re-evaluation after the authors have made the necessary changes.

11. After the Review

Once you submit your review, the editor will use your feedback, along with feedback from other reviewers, to make a decision on the manuscript. You will be notified of the editor’s decision. In some cases, you may be asked to review a revised version of the manuscript.

Your identity will remain anonymous to the authors unless you choose to disclose it in your review comments.

12. Recognition and Acknowledgment

The journal values the work of its reviewers and ensures that reviewers are appropriately acknowledged for their contributions. This includes:

  • Acknowledgment in the journal: Reviewers are recognized annually in the journal for their contributions.
  • Reviewer Recognition: Reviewers may be highlighted on the journal’s website or other platforms, acknowledging their role in maintaining the quality of the publication.

Benefits for Reviewers

Reviewing manuscripts for the European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (EJITS) offers numerous professional and academic advantages. As a reviewer, your expertise is highly valued, and your contribution to ensuring the quality and integrity of the journal’s publications is recognized. The following are the key benefits provided to reviewers:

1. Free Article Publication

Reviewers are offered a 100% discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) for any articles they submit to EJITS. This enables reviewers to publish their own research in the journal at no cost, ensuring their work is disseminated widely and accessible through Open Access.

2. Professional Recognition

Reviewers are recognized as essential contributors to the journal’s peer review process. By serving as a reviewer, you gain:

  • Enhanced visibility and reputation within the academic community.
  • Acknowledgment in the journal’s annual reviewer recognition section and on the journal’s website.
  • Opportunities to build your profile and showcase your expertise in Intelligent Transportation Systems.

3. Contribution to the Field

Reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the high quality of research published in EJITS by:

  • Ensuring that only rigorous, high-quality research is published.
  • Contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Providing valuable feedback that helps authors improve their work and contributes to the overall scientific dialogue.

4. Expanded Academic Network

Reviewers have the opportunity to connect with an international network of experts, including fellow reviewers, editors, and leading researchers in the field. This offers:

  • Opportunities for future research collaborations.
  • Invitations to participate in conferences, panels, and other professional events.

5. Access to Cutting-Edge Research

As a reviewer, you will have early access to the latest research and developments in Intelligent Transportation Systems. This allows you to:

  • Stay up-to-date with emerging trends and innovations in your field.
  • Gain insights into new research methodologies and approaches.

6. Skill Development

Reviewing manuscripts helps you enhance your own academic and professional skills, including:

  • Improving your critical thinking and analytical abilities.
  • Gaining experience in evaluating research methodologies, data analysis, and scientific writing.
  • Enhancing your knowledge of the peer review process and academic publishing.

7. Contribution to the Peer Review Process

By participating in the peer review process, you contribute to upholding ethical standards and academic rigor in research publication. Your involvement helps:

  • Maintain transparency, fairness, and objectivity in scientific publishing.
  • Support the continuous improvement of the research ecosystem through constructive feedback.

8. Reviewer Recognition

EJITS acknowledges the critical role that reviewers play in maintaining the quality of the journal. Reviewers are recognized annually for their contributions, and their work may be highlighted on the journal’s website or in special recognition events.