The article considers the engine control unit MD190662, considers the possibility of its repair and maintainability, as well as the economic benefits. The publication examines the issue of activity in the event of failure of the old engine control unit, provided it is impossible to purchase a new one. One of the troubleshooting methods is the ability to purchase a new, customizable unit, control from the tuning studio, which entails even greater costs. Nowadays, most electricians and diagnosticians are just too lazy to take on such work, because it takes a lot of time to find such a faulty, and in the time spent they can service several cars and earn many times more, or immediately hear from them that you need to buy a new one. no one will take the old man. In our case, we wanted to refute the fact that the repair of the control unit - the procedure is not appropriate. In our case, the control unit has been repaired and is operated daily. From the economic point of view, since the work was done by me on my own, it turned out very cheap, but this requires some knowledge and skills.
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