Editorial Process

The European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (EJITS) follows a structured and transparent editorial process to ensure the publication of high-quality, rigorously reviewed research. The process involves several stages, from manuscript submission to final publication, designed to uphold the integrity and scientific value of the research.

1. Manuscript Submission

Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system. All submissions must adhere to the journal’s Author Guidelines, including formatting, referencing, and ethical requirements. The submission system allows authors to provide relevant information, including:

  • Author details (names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs).
  • A cover letter explaining the significance of the work.
  • Conflicts of interest disclosures, if applicable.

After submission, authors receive an acknowledgment of receipt.

2. Initial Editorial Screening

Once a manuscript is submitted, it undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team. This assessment ensures that the manuscript:

  • Aligns with the Aims and Scope of the journal.
  • Follows the submission guidelines.
  • Meets standards of quality and originality.

Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected without further review.

3. Assignment to Editor

Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are assigned to a Handling Editor or Editor-in-Chief based on the subject area of the manuscript. The editor is responsible for overseeing the peer review process and ensuring the quality of the review.

4. Peer Review Process

EJITS uses a double-blind peer review process to evaluate submitted manuscripts. The editor selects at least two independent expert reviewers who are knowledgeable in the manuscript’s subject area. Reviewers are asked to assess the manuscript based on criteria such as:

  • Relevance to the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Originality and contribution to the field.
  • Methodological rigor and analysis.
  • Clarity of presentation and writing quality.

The reviewers provide detailed feedback through EJITS’ Review Report Template and recommend one of the following actions: accept, minor revision, major revision, or reject.

5. Editorial Decision

Based on the reviewers’ reports, the handling editor makes one of the following decisions:

  • Accept: The manuscript is accepted as is, with no further changes needed.
  • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor changes. The authors are asked to revise their manuscript in response to reviewer comments, which are typically verified by the editor.
  • Major Revisions: The manuscript requires significant changes before it can be considered for publication. Once the authors make the revisions, the manuscript may undergo another round of peer review.
  • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication due to significant flaws or because it does not meet the journal’s standards.

Authors will receive detailed feedback on the decision, including reviewer comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript.

6. Manuscript Revision

If revisions are required, authors are provided with the reviewer reports and editor’s comments. Authors must revise the manuscript accordingly and provide a Response to Reviewers document that outlines how each point has been addressed.

Revised manuscripts are resubmitted through the journal’s online system, where the editor and reviewers (if necessary) will re-evaluate the changes.

7. Final Decision

After any necessary revisions are made, the handling editor makes a final decision on the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, it moves into the production phase.

8. Production and Proofs

Once accepted, the manuscript enters the production stage. This involves:

  • Formatting and typesetting the manuscript according to the journal’s style.
  • Generating galley proofs for the authors to review.

Authors are responsible for reviewing the proofs to ensure accuracy and address any formatting or typographical errors. The proofs are typically returned to the production team within a specified period for final adjustments.

9. Publication

Upon approval of the final proofs, the manuscript is published online under the journal’s Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) model, meaning it is available as soon as it is ready, without waiting for the completion of an issue.

All published articles are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and made freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), ensuring global accessibility and dissemination.

10. Highlighting Reviewers

As part of the editorial process, EJITS recognizes the important contributions of peer reviewers. Reviewers are acknowledged in journal issues and may also be highlighted on the journal’s website.

11. Post-Publication Updates

After publication, authors may request updates or corrections to their articles. EJITS allows for post-publication corrections in cases of factual or typographical errors. If necessary, corrections or retractions are handled transparently and in accordance with the journal’s ethical policies.