The article outlines the main provisions of the new concept of organization of passenger transport. The changes necessary for its implementation are proposed in the legal and regulatory framework. In particular, within the framework of the concept we are proposed: 1) the payment of the use of city infrastructure for carriers, determining the parameters and conditions that the city should provide for these funds; 2) the individualization of the business of transportation, the transition from hired labor to individual entrepreneurship; 3) organization of routes and schedules of traffic on applications of carriers; 4) rating of carriers according to open parameters, starting and dynamic ratings; 5) liability insurance of the carrier to the passengers for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the carriage, the responsibility of the vehicle owner to the carrier for the technical serviceability of vehicles, the responsibility of the carrier to the owner (manager) of the vehicle in accordance with the conditions of operation of the vehicle; 6) motivation of carriers for self-control using advanced technical means; 7) motivating carriers to provide additional services to the city (for example, monitoring the state of the carriageway, mobile video surveillance for security structures, etc.).
Закон України Про автомобільний транспорт. Офіційний сайт ВРУ. Розділ: Законодавство. Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу до джерела: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2344-14 .
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