Evaluation of skid resistance of the road surface is a very important issue of roads maintenance because this indicator is one of the main transports and operational indicators of the road surface, on which road safety depends. It is known from many sources that one of the causes of road accidents (accidents) is the low value of the skid resistance of the road surface.
After analyzing the existing methods and tools for evaluating the skid resistance and the lack of those that could correspond to the accuracy of the results of current regulations, the National Transport University decided to improve the methods and tools for evaluating the skid resistance road surface in Ukraine.
The purpose of the development was to improve the methodology for evaluating the properties skid resistance of road surfaces by increasing the requirements for testing, improving the accuracy of instruments, informativeness and productivity of measuring the parameters of skid resistance qualities of road surfaces. The result of many years of work was an improved methodology, on the basis of which the regulatory documents of Ukraine were approved and the equipment was created, which allows to obtain the relevant value of the coupling qualities of road surfaces with confidence.
According to the results of experimental studies, the correlation coefficient between the readings of various modifications of the developed Universal road measuring equipment "UDVO" is from 0.955 to 0.981, and the deviation of the equipment readings from the values of skid resistance qualities determined by standard methods do not exceed 5%.
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ДСТУ 8746:2017 «Автомобільні дороги. Методи вимірювання зчіпних властивостей поверхні дорожнього покриття».
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