• Darovannaia Alla PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor, Republic of Moldova, Chișinau, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
  • Lopotenco Viorica PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor, Republic of Moldova, Chișinau, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Keywords: banking system, banking efficiency, banking staff efficiency, factorial analysis


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of the banking system of the Republic of Moldova under the impact of the resources that influence it, focusing on human resources. The assessment of banking efficiency through financial indicators includes some indicators. Analyzing the notion of efficiency it can be seen that it is dependent on several qualitative factors, which gives it a complex character. The study of bank efficiency mainly involves a causal analysis of the factors that determine the decisions in a related risk environment. In the present paper, we intend to analyze in particular the effect of the banking staff management on bank efficiency, as it is mainly dependent on the way the bank employees’ work. One of the essential factors influencing the Moldovan banking system analyzed in the present study is the efficiency of staff management.
From the analysis, it can be noticed that there is a link between the banking efficiency and the efficiency of banking staff management. Banks with better indicators of bank management efficiency also have higher banking efficiency.


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How to Cite
Darovannaia Alla, & Lopotenco Viorica. (2019). EFFECTS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF BANKING SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, (6(26), 13-18. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/30112019/6795