International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy <p style="line-height: 1.5;"><strong>e-ISSN:</strong> 2414-1305<br><strong>DOI:</strong> 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite<br><strong>OCLC Number:</strong> 1051267688<br><strong>Publisher:</strong> RS Global Sp. z O.O., Poland<br><strong>Subject area:</strong> Economics<br><strong>Submission to publication:</strong> 61 days<br><strong><span class="sc-hwwEjo cdchLr">Acceptance rate: </span></strong><span class="sc-hwwEjo cdchLr">49</span><span class="sc-kPVwWT hZDpyF">%</span></p> RS Global Sp. z O.O. en-US International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy 2412-8368 <p>All articles are published in open-access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Hence, authors retain copyright to the content of the articles.<br>CC BY 4.0 License allows content to be copied, adapted, displayed, distributed, re-published or otherwise re-used for any purpose including for adaptation and commercial use provided the content is attributed.</p> PEER TEACHING AS AN ALTERNATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR ECONOMICS EDUCATION TEACHERS <p>This paper examines research concerning peer teaching as an alternative professional development technique for economics teachers. Peer teaching is an instructional strategy to enhance teacher professional development inside educational institutions. Through peer teaching, teachers actively engage in the professional development process. This is a prevalent professional development method for teachers aimed at familiarizing them with the practical application of the curriculum. The research is qualitative and employs a conceptual methodology. This study aimed to investigate peer teaching as an alternative professional development approach for teachers in economics. Data were obtained from various academic databases, including Google Scholar and ResearchGate. The study employed a thematic analysis of pertinent and contemporary literature. The study's themes included a deeper understanding of pedagogic and subject matter, learning new ways to teach, promoting collaboration through mentoring, enhancing organizational skills for teachers, and career development of teachers. The study's results demonstrate that peer teaching provides teachers with professional development opportunities that may enhance subject comprehension, foster teamwork, and offer mentoring support for beginner teachers. Ultimately, peer teaching can significantly promote teachers' professional growth and, thus, improve their curricular practices. This article advocates for the implementation of peer teaching to improve teacher professional development and curriculum delivery.</p> Habasisa Molise Copyright (c) 2024 Habasisa Molise 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4(48) 10.31435/ijite.4(48).2024.3013 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING IN DEVELOPING ECONOMICS EDUCATION STUDENT TEACHERS' PEDAGOGICAL AND SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE <p>Work-integrated learning (WIL) has gained prominence in teacher education, particularly in economics education. WIL, which involves integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experience in real-world settings, has gained prominence in teacher education as a means of enhancing student teachers' readiness for the profession This literature review synthesis investigates the effectiveness of WIL in developing economics education student teachers' pedagogical and subject matter expertise. The study followed the systematic literature review method PRISMA in selecting studies to be included and excluded in the synthesis of the study. The process commenced by identifying the problem and screening studies to include and exclude in the study. Only 14 studies conducted between 2020 and 2024 were screened for inclusion. The findings reveal that WIL significantly improves teaching confidence, classroom management, lesson planning and delivery, and assessment and feedback skills. The findings also revealed that WIL significantly enhances content knowledge, conceptual understanding, application and analysis, critical thinking and problem-solving. The study's findings have significant implications for teacher education policy and practice. However, the study is limited by potential interpretive bias, lack of methodological triangulation, and unexplored alternative explanations. Language restrictions, limited database access, and financial constraints further circumscribe its scope and depth. These limitations may have excluded relevant research or perspectives, impacting the study's reliability and validity. Educators, policymakers, and researchers must prioritize WIL's potential in developing pedagogical and subject matter expertise. Future research should investigate WIL's long-term impact on teacher development and student learning outcomes.</p> Habasisa Molise Copyright (c) 2024 Habasisa Molise 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4(48) 10.31435/ijite.4(48).2024.3014 EXAMINING THE INTEGRATION OF TIKTOK-BASED LEARNING IN SECONDARY BUSINESS STUDIES EDUCATION: A SOUTH AFRICAN PERSPECTIVE ON DIGITAL TEACHING INNOVATION <p>This systematic literature review investigates the integration of TikTok in secondary Business Studies education across South African schools, focusing on implementation practices and educational outcomes. As social media platforms continue to reshape educational practices globally, the study employs the Technology Acceptance Model as a theoretical framework to understand the impact of TikTok integration on Business Studies teaching and learning in South African contexts. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing research, this study synthesizes critical findings regarding the adoption, effectiveness, and outcomes of TikTok-based educational initiatives in secondary Business Studies classrooms. The review explores various dimensions, including platform integration strategies, pedagogical innovations, student engagement patterns, teacher development needs, and content creation approaches. Additionally, it identifies implementation challenges and opportunities associated with TikTok-based learning and highlights implications for teaching practice, educational policy, and future research in the South African secondary education sector. By synthesizing insights from diverse scholarly works, this review offers valuable perspectives for educators and administrators aiming to navigate the complexities of social media integration in Business Studies education within the South African context.</p> Preya Pillay Copyright (c) 2024 Preya Pillay 2024-12-29 2024-12-29 4(48) 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/30122024/8270 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN AZERBAIJAN AND ITS ROLE IN FOREIGN TRADE <p>E-commerce, formed as a result of the development of information technologies and its widespread use at the end of the 20th century, is used almost all over the world. It should be noted that the share of electronic commerce in retail trade in Developed Countries is much higher. However, in Developing Countries, the scope of e-commerce is not so wide. That is, each country uses e-commerce according to its level of economic development. Nowadays, countries use e-commerce domestically, and even increase their trade turnover with foreign countries with this new type of trade. Therefore, in addition to traditional exports, electronic exports play an important role in the foreign trade turnover of countries today. The share of electronic exports in the foreign trade turnover of Developed Countries is quite large.</p> Shamxal Mammadov Copyright (c) 2024 Aytaj Mammadova 2024-12-29 2024-12-29 4(48) 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/30122024/8271 EVALUATION OF SOME ACTIONS OF THE RURAL RENEWAL PROGRAM CARRIED OUTFOR THE PURPOSE OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT - CASE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ZEBOUDJA (THE PREFECTURE OF CHLEF, ALGERIA) <p>In order to ensure sustainable agricultural development in the country, food security for the population, and thus minimize imports, the Algerian government has since 2008 adopted a new strategy for agricultural renewal. This is called “rural renewal”, and its main objective is to improve the living conditions of the population, to slow down rural exodus, and thus prevent the abandonment of agricultural land.This new strategy has been implemented since 2009 through Integrated Rural Development Proximity Projects (IRDPP), particularly in poor and marginalized areas. After more than a decade since the launch of these projects at the national level, we deemed it useful to conduct an evaluation of the status of the actions carried out and their impact on the population and the rural environment in the Municipality of Zeboudja (the Prefecture of Chlef). To do this, data collection was carried out at the level of specialized administrations and field visits were conducted. The results obtained show a certain improvement in the living conditions of the population, particularly at the infrastructure level (access roads for isolation and mobilization of water). Collective and individual actions have shown a satisfactory success rate.</p> Nadia Zekri Fatima Zohra Bekouassa Copyright (c) 2024 Nadia Zekri, Fatima Zohra Bekouassa 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4(48) 10.31435/ijite.4(48).2024.3121