The purpose of the article is to study the current state of the legal mechanism of trade and industrial group innovative development state regulation in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the work is a structural and functional analysis of regulations of Ukraine with the aim to determine the modern principles, structure and functions of the regulatory mechanism of trade and industrial group innovative development state regulation in Ukraine. The study allowed the author to determine the legal basis for the existence, regulation and innovative development of trade and industrial groups, the theory and practice of application of the regulatory mechanism of state regulation. The study has found that most of the documents that make up the legal mechanism are descriptive and declarative in nature, are mostly focused on command-and-control principles of public regulation, do not take into account the principles of public-private partnership and do not meet the requirements and challenges of today. The existing imperfection of the regulatory framework leads to inconsistencies of public and private interests, creates a basis for irrational use of resources, threatens the state with a loss of economic, scientific and technological potential. According to the results of the study, it is proposed to audit the existing legal field concerning innovation development, adapt regulatory documents to current challenges and requirements of today, harmonize regulations, normalize gaps in the current legislative field to improve the establishment and operation of innovation infrastructure, and develop guidelines about establishment and operation of such infrastructure, which would be based on the principles of public-private partnership.
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D. Benatov, partner Byuro patentnyh povirenyh Dr. Emil Benatov & Partners. [D. Benatov, partner of the Bureau of Patent Attorneys Dr. Emil Benatov & Partners] URL: (data zvernennya 08.08.2020).
Ekonomika ta pidpryemnyztvo, problemy zakonodavchogo regulyuvannya stvorennya i funkcionuvannya finansovo-promyslovyx grup v Ukrayini [Economy and entrepreneurship, problems of legislative regulation of creation and functioning of financial-industrial groups in Ukraine]. 2011. URL: (data zvernennya 15.02.2020).
Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakyh zakoniv Ukrayiny shhodo likvidaciyi shtuchnyh byurokratychnyh baryeriv ta korupciogennyhx chynnykiv u sferi ohorony zdorovya: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 02.06.2020 r. № 644-IX. [On amendments to some laws of Ukraine on the elimination of artificial bureaucratic barriers and corruption-causing factors in the field of health care: Law of Ukraine of 02.06.2020 № 644-IX]. (data zvernennya 22.08.2020).
Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrayiny shhodo diyalnosti Ministerstva osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrayiny, Ministerstva ohorony zdorovya Ukrayiny, Ministerstva energetyky ta vugilnoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny, inshyh centralnyh organiv vykonavchoyi vlady, diyalnist yakyh spryamovuyetsya ta koordynuyetsya cherez vidpovidnyh ministriv, Derzhavnogo komitetu telebachennya i radiomovlennya Ukrayiny: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 17.04.2014 r. № 1227-VII (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Activities of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Other Central Executive Bodies Directed and Coordinated through Relevant Ministers of the Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of April 17, 2014 № 1227-VII]. (data zvernennya 22.08.2020).
Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrayiny shhodo posylennya ohorony i zahystu prav na torgovelni marky i promyslovi zrazky ta borotby z patentnymy zlovzhyvannyamy: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 21.07.2020 r. № 815-IX. [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Strengthening the Protection and Protection of Rights to Trademarks and Industrial Designs and Combating Patent Abuse: Law of Ukraine of July 21, 2020 № 815-IX.] (data zvernennya 11.08.2020).
Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrayiny shhodo reformy patentnogo zakonodavstva: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 21.07.2020 r. № 816-IX. [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Reform of Patent Legislation: Law of Ukraine of July 21, 2020 № 816-IX]. URL: (data zvernennya 11.08.2020).
Pro derzhavne regulyuvannya diyalnosti u sferi transferu tehnologij: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 14.09.2006 r. № 143-V (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy). [On state regulation of activities in the field of technology transfer: Law of Ukraine of 14.09.2006 № 143-V]. URL: (data zvernennya 21.08.2019).
Pro derzhavno-pryvatne partnerstvo: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 01.07.2010 r. № 2404-VІ. [On public-private partnership: Law of Ukraine of 01.07.2010 № 2404-VI.] URL: (data zvernennya 11.04.2018).
Pro investycijnu diyalnist: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 18.09.1991 r. №1561-XII (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [On investment activity: Law of Ukraine of September 18, 1991 №1561-XII (as amended)]. URL: (data zvernennya 21.04.2019).
Pro innovacijnu diyalnist: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 04.07.2002 r. 40-IV (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [On innovative activity: Law of Ukraine of 04.07.2002 № 40-IV (with changes and additions)]. URL: (data zvernennya 15.08.2019).
Pro instytuty spilnogo investuvannya: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 05.07.2012 r. № 5080-VI (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [On mutual investment institutions: Law of Ukraine dated 05.07.2012 № 5080-VI (as amended)]. URL: (data zvernennya 18.06.2019).
Pro ohoronu prav na vynahody i korysni modeli: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 23.12.1993 r. № 3769-XII (zi zminamy ta dopovnennyamy) [On protection of rights to inventions and utility models: Law of Ukraine of 23.12.93 № 3769-XII (as amended)]. URL: (data zvernennya 11.03.2020).
Pro priorytetni napryamy innovacijnoyi diyalnosti v Ukrayini: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 08.09.2011 r. № 3715-VI. [On priority areas of innovation in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of 08.09.2011 № 3715-VI]. URL: (data zvernennya 21.08.2019).
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Pro cili stalogo rozvytku Ukrayiny na period do 2030 roku: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrayiny vid 30.09.2019 r. № 722/2019. [On the Goals of Sustainable Development of Ukraine for the period up to 2030: Decree of the President of Ukraine of September 30, 2019 № 722/2019]. URL: (data zvernennya 16.06.2020).
Shpakovych T. starshyj partner, kerivnyk patentnogo viddilu PYuA «Dubynskyj i Osharova», patentnyj povirenyj [Shpakovych T. senior partner, head of the patent department of PUA "Dubinsky and Osharova", patent attorney]. URL: (data zvernennya 08.08.2020).
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