Keywords: resource potential of the enterprise, competitiveness, resources of the enterprise, efficiency, profitability, competition, factors of effective use of enterprise resource potential


Current functioning of an enterprise in terms of the limited resources require their efficient and rational use. The concept of economic entities' activity is a necessary factor in ensuring successful development and stable functioning. Introducing scientific methods for managing the competitiveness of the resource potential of the enterprise is essential for sustaining economic prosperity. The existing theoretical principles of forming the competitiveness of the resource potential of enterprises still need some improvement and adaptation to modern conditions of doing business. The paper covers the concept of the competitiveness of resource potential by assessing the resource use in the economic activity of Ukraine's enterprises, the dynamics of gross domestic product, the profitability and unprofitability of Ukrainian businesses. Focus on a directly proportional relationship between efficiency of the enterprises and gross domestic product. Comparability of statistical data for different years, analysis and calculations of the use of the enterprise resources are presented in US dollars. Analyzing scientific approaches to the definition of competition, competitiveness, and competitive potential, the author's definitions of competitive resource potential and competitiveness of resource potential are proposed.


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How to Cite
Fertas Nadjib. (2021). THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS ON FORMING COMPETITIVENESS OF RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, (4(36).