International Academy Journal Web of Scholar 2022-06-19T11:11:54+00:00 RS Global, Editorial office (journals department) Open Journal Systems <p style="color: #000;"><strong>The journal International Academy Journal Web of Scholar has ceased publication and is no longer accepting submissions.<br></strong></p> <p>All previously published articles are available through the Archives. The journal is archived in PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) via the LOCKSS initiative, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.</p> КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ ОСНОВИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ТА РОЗВИТКУ КРЕАТИВНИХ КЛАСТЕРІВ 2022-06-19T11:11:54+00:00 Кузнецова Н. Б. <p>The article is devoted to the development of the clustering business theory in the creative economy and the formation of the conceptual basis for the development creative business model on the ground of clustering. In this article, the author has investigated the role and general tendencies of the creative economy development in the world. The author has generalized the definition of the creative cluster as the basis of the theory of clustering business. Also, the author has defined the prerequisites for the creative clusters formation and general factors for their successful development. In the conclusion, the author has determined the benefits of creative cluster activity for cities and conceptual provisions of the development of the creative cluster.</p> 2018-02-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The author