• Dolgalev D. V. aspirant Kyrgyz State Medical Institute Retraining and Professional Development, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
  • Kaliev R. R. PhD Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Kyrgyzstan, Bichkek
Keywords: moderately increased albuminuria, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, urogenital system pathology


The high incidence of concomitant pathology on the part of the renal system can lead to a mutual burden of various diseases, which in turn requires additional methods of examination, prevention, and further mandatory medical correction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Objective: to identify a moderately increased albuminuria and analysis of the functional state of the kidneys in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in low altitude at an earlier stage of its manifestation.
Material and methods: 82 low-altitude patients (Tokmok) were examined with COPD of varying severity, as well as 10 healthy individuals. The average age was 60.53 + 15.48 years. In addition to general clinical examination, patients underwent an early marker of damage to the MIA, assessment of the function of external respiration and indicators of renal function, which included the calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), analyzes of proteinuria, leukocyturia, hematuria, total protein and serum creatinine.
Results: In patients with COPD, an early and significant change in renal function indices is noticeably observed, which in turn tends to correlate with the degree of bronchial obstruction.


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How to Cite
Dolgalev D. V., & Kaliev R. R. (2019). EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF KIDNEY DISEASE IN CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE DISEASE OF LUNG PROBLEMS COMBORIDE STATES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE LOW ALTITUDE. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (12(42), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/30122019/6841