The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of 2-bromo-2-nitro- propanediol - 1,3 (bronopol) in order to expand the derivatives of bronopol as food products, preservatives, in all sectors of the national economy. The derivatives of dipropargyl diester 2 - bromo -, 2 - nitro - propanediol - 1,3, γ,γ ́-dicopper (2-bromo-,2-nitro-dipropargyl diester) propanediol-1,3 (II), γ,γ ́-bis- (silver 2-bromo-, 2-nitro-dipropargyl ether) - propanediol-1,3 (III), mercury-bis- (propargyl ether) - 2 - bromo-, 2- nitro-propanediol - 1, 3 (IV), (γ,γ ́-dibromo-dipropargyl diester) - 2- bromo-, 2-nitropropanediol-1,3 (VIII) were synthesized.. We also considered the preparation of γ, γ ́-diiodo-dipropargyl diester - 2-bromo-, 2-nitropropanediol-1,3 (V), bis (4,4 ́-pyrazolyloxymethylene) - 2 - bromo -, 2 - nitro - propanediol - 1.3 (IX). The chemical properties of the 2-bromo-, 2-nitro-, dipropargyl diester of 1,3-propanediol-1,3 were studied, they learned that its −
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