The article is devoted to the review of educational literature published in the printing houses of the largest Muslim regions of the Russian Empire in the XIX - beginning of the XX century. The author makes conclusion about general trends in religious education of Muslims, the main elements of which was a maktab (elementary school) and madrasa (high school), and also lists branches of science, that were an obligatory part of the student’s program. Is was noted that madrasas of each region had some sort of program, distinguished by in-depth study of a particular science. It is indicated that the superiority in the publication of Muslim educational literature in the Russian Empire in this period belonged to Kazan, which became the center of Muslim printing. In Daghestan and Turkestan, where Arab graphic printing firmly took its place in the early twentieth century, textbooks for Muslim schools were also produced repeatedly and in large editions, as well as sold for affordable prices. The author lists and characterizes the most popular textbooks that were widely used in these regions, and concludes that educational literature, prayer books and ritual manuals were equally in demand by the local population.
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