During researching the spectra of biocomplexes of synthesized metals synthesized by us with the organic laxand Naxogin (nimorazole), we compared the spectra of the obtained complexes with the ir-spectra of free (uncoordinated) naxogin (nimorazole). The research showed that the stretching vibration frequencies υ(C=N) were A~10–25 cm-1 in the high- frequency region and rarely in the higher metallicity (but in the acceptable range), which indicates that naxogin is present in these metal complexes (nimorazole). In a coordinated state through one of the two nitrogen atoms of the imidazole cycle. Comparisons were also made with the spectra of noxogenic (nimorazole) metal complexes (manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc) and other metals chromium(II), iron(II) and iron(III), which convinced us that organic ligands were only centrally connected with the complexes atoms.
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