Aspects of evil are revealed as the aesthetic inspiration of art, mainly of literature, and of the natural necessity of the existence of evil as the basic plane of being. It is explored the idea of death as a manifestation of evil and the need for death to develop life. G. Bataille discloses the philosophy of death through a system of sacrifice of the best achievement in accordance with the religious beliefs of ancient peoples. The Christian model of rejecting the death of an innocent victim and the Protestant ethic of accumulating wealth are defined by the philosopher as an unnatural phenomenon and a threat to life. It is stated that man perceives death through the prism of exclusively evil and, unlike an animal, scrolls death through the process of knowing good and evil. Attention is paid to identifying evil as the primary need for good. The question of suffering, the creator of which the philosopher defines God, is explored. In the same context, the essence of God is revealed as well as the role of the Devil in becoming God as the absolute of good. Evidence has been shown to be a necessary value that promotes communion with God.
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