• Насибова Г. Д. Азербайджанский Государственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности Азербайджан, Баку
  • Мухтарова Х. З. Азербайджанский Государственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности Азербайджан, Баку
Keywords: South Caspian depression, Productive Series, gas-condensate, structure


Over the past decades, discovery of giant hydrocarbon fields at the depth of above 10 km in the World oceans enables the possibility of identifying oil and gas at great depths of the South Caspian depression (SCD).
The main oil and gas resources in this region are associated with the Productive Series (PS) -Red Series (RS) of the Lower Pliocene. Paleogene-Miocene and Mesozoic sediments in the southern Caspian are submerged to great depths, the prospects of their oil and gas potential are associated with the most uplifted tectonic zones.
The Northern Absheron, that is considered as one of the promising areas of this region, covers the uplifts zone under the same name that is the most elevated tectonic unit of the South Caspian. The zone under consideration consists of two anticlinal lines, within which about 20 structures have been identified and explored. Currently, about 10 structures are covered by prospecting and exploration drilling and 5 prospective oil and gas structures have been identified: Absheron kupesi, Western Absheron, Novkhany, Ashrafi, Garabakh.Testing of exploration wells on the structures Gilavar, Hali, Arzu, Ashrafi, Mardakan-deniz and Oguz has not been positive. It should be noted that the deep structure of these uplifts is poorly studied by seismic exploration. Detailed integrated geophysical survey at modern technological and methodological levels is necessary to examine the relation of structural plans of sediments of various ages. The prospects oil and gas field exploration are associated with the lower part of the PS, Miocene, Cretaceous and Jurassic.
It should be noted that despite negative conclusions of some foreign researchers on non-productiveness of the structures above, in recent years, the data obtained from the results of new geological and geophysical methods give SOCAR the basis to resume exploration drilling without involvement of foreign companies.


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How to Cite
Насибова Г. Д., & Мухтарова Х. З. (2019). ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ НЕФТЕГАЗОНОСНОСТИ СЕВЕРО- АБШЕРОНСКОГО АРХИПЕЛАГА ЮЖНО- КАСПИЙСКОЙ ВПАДИНЫ В СВЯЗИ С ТЕКТОНИЧЕСКИМ РАЗВИТИЕМ СТРУКТУР. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (10(40), 16-22. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/31102019/6735