• Gulzina Nagibova MSc in Educational Leadership, Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Uralsk
Keywords: action research, professional development, research implementation, action research challenges


This study explores the challenges teachers of Kazakhstani secondary schools face when conducting action research as a part of their professional development. The study also aims to provide recommendations to overcome identified action research implementation challenges. The qualitative study design is used to research and interpret the teacher’s action research implementation challenges within one of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in Kazakhstan.
Findings of the study demonstrated several issues teachers face while conducting action research. Firstly, teachers indicate they lack action research knowledge; secondly, they lack the necessary skills to conduct research; and finally, they do not have enough support and resources. Along with these challenges, experienced teachers provided solutions for these problems. If most of them needed continuous support from experienced colleagues, the rest believed that they have to be self-organized.


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How to Cite
Gulzina Nagibova. (2019). PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE CHALLENGES OF ACTION RESEARCH IMPLEMENTATION IN KAZAKHSTAN. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, 2(9(39), 17-24.