• Oleg M. Chechel PhD, Doctor of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of National Economics and Public Administration of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: State regulation, state regulation of crisis, economic crisis, crisis, anti-crisis measures


The article examines the issues related to state regulation of the economy during the crisis, considered the problems of determining the feasibility and effects of state regulation in times of crisis, proved that the market economy, due to its inherent weaknesses, is prone to causing the crisis. This process is objective and cyclical. In the past decade, the number of crises, including the world, has increased significantly, which is associated with the growth of the financial sector. Permanent repetition of negative developments in the financial system and has a direct impact on the economy, which proves the need to strengthen state regulation in this sphere. The methods that can be used by different countries, in order to overcome the crisis in the economy was analyzed. It is proved that the administrative methods of crisis management, as a rule, are used in countries where market laws are not effective enough. In turn, in the economically more developed countries are used market-based instruments of crisis management. The features of state regulation of economy in some countries during the recent global economic crisis was investigated. It was found that, in spite of such a list of measures to counter the crisis in the developed countries, they have some differences, primarily related to the specific characteristics and structure of the economy. It was determined that in all the years of independence, the national economy has repeatedly been in crisis, at the same time, even though the experience gained so far has not created an effective mechanism to counter these negative phenomena.


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How to Cite
Oleg M. Chechel. (2019). ROLE OF STATE REGULATION IN OVERCOMING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, 1(9(39), 38-43.