In the article was showed complex results of petro physical testing sample of rocks from taken digging prospecting-development wells which are widen productive unit sediments of the northern part of the Baku arxipelago. An average values of granulometric composition of rocks of productive unit the above areas by the section have been recount. The matter dependence of permeability from porosity and porosity from depth was solved.
The research showed that the same named and the same age rocks physical property change at the result of geological- physical process and getting different prices. The reservoir properties of rocks of productive unit have been learned. The physical properties of rocks of productive unit have been shown in the table. The reservoir properties of different type of rocks which take part in the geological structure of oil and gas bearing areas and their spreading conformity to natural laws are shown in the table.
Dependence between physical parameters for the individual kinds of rocks, dependence between physical properties and material structures are established.
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