• Anna Zavgorodnya Senior teacher, Ukraine, Kyiv, Department of Information Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Valerii Zavgorodnii PhD, associate professor, Ukraine, Kyiv, Department of Information Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Vladyslav Plisenko Master of Engineering, Ukraine, Kyiv, Department of Information Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Nikita Provatorov Master of Engineering, Ukraine, Kyiv, Department of Information Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Pavlo Kudientsov Master of Engineering, Ukraine, Kyiv, Department of Information Technologies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
Keywords: reliability theory, Markov’s model, failure rate, recovery rate, Markov’s transition graph, redundancy


The method of Markov’s processes for the analysis of systems with constant bounce and recovery intensities considered. The article presents calculations of the failure probability of the system for describing the various cases of redundancy of its components using Markov’s models. Expressions obtained for calculating the approximate value of the failure probability of the system and analyzed of failures to improve the reliability of the system. The Markov’s graph of transitions in the reservation of the system, which reflects its behavior, described. Analysis of the results of numerical solution of systems shows that when loaded with redundancy, the probability of failure is higher than with partially loaded, and with partially loaded - higher than with unloaded backup. A tree of errors for the system of cooling and clearing of flue gas at the reservation made by replacing "2 of 3", which has seven minimum bounce cross sections. Calculated the probability of system failure. The obtained calculations allow to analyze failures of technical systems in order to increase the reliability of their functioning.


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How to Cite
Anna Zavgorodnya, Valerii Zavgorodnii, Vladyslav Plisenko, Nikita Provatorov, & Pavlo Kudientsov. (2019). METHODS MODELING SYSTEMS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THEIR RELIABILITY. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, 1(9(39), 3-11.