• Ната Бердзули Батумский государственный университет имени Шота Руставели; Докторант; Грузия
Keywords: Narration, Postmodernism, literary narrative, historical narrative, literary plays


The narrative dates from a long time ago and the subject of its research was to study fundamental principles of narration.It is so old that the ideas of its structure have been developed in the ancient times. The etymology of the term "narrative", is derived from the Latin and its meaning is narration. This term was emerged in the literary studies as a result of novelist works by Roland Bart, Claude Bremann, Cvetan Todorov and others. In the twentieth century, many theories were created about the narrative, and in the same century, the main analytical components of narrative - story, sound, time, point of view, character, role were established.
Narrative can be considered as a feature of postmodernism, because narrative sources take special significance in postmodernism.
While researching modern literature a significant function is given to the variety of narrative usages. The aim of the theme is to research the narrative function on the basis of comparative analysis of Aka Morchiladze's creative works.
Aka Morchiladze's novels are filled with familiar literary or historical motives, acting people, stories, but itcreates a different reality through narrative or literary plays.
The author creates a narrative text based on literary texts and "historical information". Historical information that is used in the text does not correspond to reality, and we, the readers, think that we are about to learn “historical novel” and the narrator is a historian,-not a novelist. Finally, we realize that we deal with the "fake history", allusion of writer's fantasy and literary and historical facts. Therefore, with regards of the presented issues, it is necessary to take into consideration the specificity of postmodern literature and peculiarities of realization of this specificity in Georgian reality. Narrative sources are of particular importance in postmodernism, which is one of the most important elements of the study of the text to be analyzed.


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How to Cite
Ната Бердзули. (2019). НОВЫЙ ПОВЕСТВОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ МИР В ТВОРЧЕСТВЕ АКИ МОРЧИЛАДЗЕ. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, 2(8(38), 28-30. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/31082019/6661