• Artak G. Heboyan Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi; Yerevan, Armenia
  • Rafayel G. Muradyan Prosthodontist, Private Practice, Yerevan, Armenia
Keywords: impression material, gingival retraction, polyether, tissue management, polyvinyl siloxanes


Whether impression is diagnostic or taken for provision of final restoration, its accuracy is crucial for the ultimate outcome. The objective of this review is to provide comprehensive, exhaustive and up-to-date information on impression materials and soft tissue procedures, which will facilitate the dentist’s daily work in taking impressions to make various restorations. Taking precise impressions is rather challenging for even experienced dentists. It’s rather difficult to achieve perfection, even despite the daily work with impression because of some issues, such as pulls, bubbles and missed margins. All the impression materials are different, each having their advantages and drawbacks. The impression taking technique is also very important, especially dealing with soft tissues and gingival retraction. The latter is important not only when working with different impression materials but taking digital impressions as well.


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How to Cite
Artak G. Heboyan, & Rafayel G. Muradyan. (2019). IMPRESSION MATERIAL SELECTION AND SOFT TISSUE MANAGEMENT IN CONTEMPORARY FIXED PROSTHODONTICS. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (5(35), 9-15.

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