• Мирослава Чернова доктор філософії з буріння, Україна, Івано-Франківський, Національний технічний університет нафти і газутехнічний університет, доцент кафедри фізики
Keywords: well, tack, polymer-composite materials, tightness, connection, design, element, rock, flushing fluid


The essential problems in oil and gas industry are corrosion-fatigue breakage of drill column elements, sticking of drilling and heavy-weight drill pipes, taking place in drilling of directional and horizontal wells. The stickings are caused by friction, emerging between sides of hole and elements of drilling column. The frictions block assurance of core integrity in core receive. The failure resistance by using polymer and composite materials for surface treatment under influence of triboprocess and corrosion-fatigue breakage is considered in the article.
The problem of deep well drilling is considered, which is connected with the prevention of the seizure phenomenon between the walls of the drill column and the barrel of deep wells. The design of the coupling connection of casing pipes with a high pressure sealing element is provided to provide the tightness of the casing columns at high pressure and temperature parameters. The elastically deformed state of the pipes with the inserted sealing element is scientifically substantiated.


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How to Cite
Мирослава Чернова. (2019). НАУКОВІ ТЕНДЕНЦІЇ БУРІННЯ ГЛИБОКИХ НАФТОГАЗОВИХ СВЕРДЛОВИН. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, 1(1(31), 18-21. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/31012019/6308