• Yanishen Igor Doctor of Medicine science, professor, The Head of the Department of Orthopedic dentistry, Kharkiv national medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • Fedotova Olena Assistant of the Department of Orthopedic dentistry, Ukraine, Kharkiv national medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • Khlystun Nataliia Candidate of medical sciences, Assistant of the Department of Dentistry, Kharkiv national medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • Krynichko Felix Assistant of the Department of Orthopedic dentistry, Kharkiv national medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv
  • Khomchenko Valeriia Graduate student of the Department of Orthopedic dentistry, Kharkiv national medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Keywords: maxillofacial defects, aesthetic disorders, orthopedic treatment, quality of life


Acquired maxillofacial defects are most often accompanied by pronounced functional and aesthetic disorders, which lead to limitation of life, social maladaptation and deep sociopsychological problems of the patient's existence. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to monitor the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of patients with post- traumatic and postoperative defects of the maxillofacial system by quality of life. The period of adaptation, fixation of the structure in the oral cavity, presence of inflammatory processes under the prosthesis, breakage and correction, convenience of use, diction, hit of food residues under the prosthesis and oral-nasal test were determined and analyzed. The study showed that the improved technique had a positive effect on each of the parameters and made it easier to adapt to dentures and improve the quality of life of patients in general.


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How to Cite
Yanishen Igor, Fedotova Olena, Khlystun Nataliia, Krynichko Felix, & Khomchenko Valeriia. (2020). EVALUATION OF ORTHOPEDIC TREATMENT EFFICIENCY OF PATIENTS WITH POST-TRAUMATIC DEFECTS OF THE UPPER JAW BY THE INDICATORS OF QUALITY OF LIFE. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (3(45), 16-19. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/31032020/7002