• Ходарина Кристина Валериевна Канд. техн. наук, доц., Докторант Национального университета «Одесская морская академия», Украина, Мариуполь, Азовский морской институт Национального университета «Одесская морская академия»
  • Гаркуша Галина Геннадиевна Канд. техн. наук, доц., Профессор Одесской национальной морской академии, Украина, Мариуполь, Азовский морской институт Национального университета «Одесская морская академия»
Keywords: ship microclimate, mathematical model, algorithm, control system, optimal solution


An approach to solving the problem of optimizing the climate control process in a ship`s room using elements. The specific microclimate of the ship`s premises is determined by their isolation from external atmospheric influences, small volumes and a relatively large number of people, as well as the saturation with various mechanisms, systems, devices, various cargoes transported and the features of the marine climate. Presented technical solutions at the stage of elaboration and the implementation of algorithms based on modern components assume performance of the specified requirements for normal operation of ventilation systems and conditioning of the working area. The article presents the algorithm of the methodology and calculation of elements of system of ventilation and air conditioning systems with rapidly varying air flow in one zone of production facilities. With the aim of improving the accuracy, speed and efficiency, the integrated system that combines proper ventilation, air conditioning and a quantitative regulation of intake air.


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How to Cite
Ходарина Кристина Валериевна, & Гаркуша Галина Геннадиевна. (2020). МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ И АЛГОРИТМИЗАЦИЯ ПРОЦЕССОВ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЕЙ СУДОВЫХ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (2(44), 46-51. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/28022020/6918