• Ксеневич Михаил Яковлевич кандидат архитектуры, Украинская академия архитектуры, г. Киев, Украина
Keywords: trends of modern development, architecture, urban planning, Ukraine


The effective and decent living conditions provides for the supplies work and housing for the broad population in Ukraine. By the way, the mass construction of housing and infrastructure is the real sphere of providing work for the population of Ukraine, especially in the economic crisis conditions. The urban architecture contemporary practice in Ukraine is a multi-sectoral, basic, social-economic and economic existence of human societies, in Ukraine particularly. First of all, it concerns population life, the cities development, towns, and villages. Architecture and urban planning in Ukraine is manifested as a complementary combination of different settlements types: cities, towns and villages located near dominant natural formations: rivers, beams and roads of different types and types. Formed formations have varying degrees of clumps intensity of settlements: cities, towns, villages, agglomerations, settlements systems and the whole country. In order to activate the modern development of urban architecture in Ukraine, it is advisable to use the basis of conceptual model, normative and methodological proposals, developed and tested in the cities-centers of agglomerations in Ukraine. It is necessary to renew the earlier legislative requirement in Ukraine concerning administrative and criminal personal responsibility for official inactivity and violations in the field of urban development.
It is especially important to carry out broad organizational, explanatory and promotional work by executive bodies and local self-government among the population in Ukraine on a new targeted. It will approach to ensure activation and promotion of mass housing construction at the present stage of the revival and development in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Ксеневич Михаил Яковлевич. (2020). ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ПО АКТИВИЗАЦИИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ ГРАДОСТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА УКРАИНЫ. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (2(44), 41-45. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/28022020/6917
Architecture and Construction