• Salimov Vagif Hasan Oglu Ph.D., assoc. prof. of "Computer engineering" department, Azerbaijan state oil and industry university, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
  • Damirova Javida Rizvan Qizi Ph.D., assoc. prof. of "Control and system engineering" department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
Keywords: multi-criteria decision making, alternative, criterion, fuzzy, AHP method, pairwise comparison, preference index, aggregation, software


The article is devoted to the problem of multi-criteria decision making. As application problem is used the software selection problem. The analysis of existing methods for solving this problem is given. As a method for solving this problem, the most popular fuzzy AHP method (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is proposed. This method use original algorithm for pairwise comparison of criteria and alternatives. The issues of practical implementation of this method are discussed in details. The results of the solution test problem at all stages are presented.


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How to Cite
Salimov Vagif Hasan Oglu, & Damirova Javida Rizvan Qizi. (2021). SOFTWARE SELECTION ON BASE OF FUZZY AHP METHOD. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (1(51).