The transition to an informational lifestyle significantly increases the creative potential of society as a whole, and the individual in particular. Along with this, there is a significant increase of the load on the human’s mind under conditions of increasing flows of information and its turbulence. The information environment essentially becomes the main source of information for a person, has a direct impact on his mental activity, on the formation of his social behavior. A person is forced to live in this environment, to perceive its realities adequately, to adapt to information threats from this environment. The awareness of these threats has led to careful attention to information security. A child, being a specific member of a society, nevertheless acts as a full-fledged participant in information relations, and must be in such a state of protection, in which there is no risk associated with information causing harm to his health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.
A child in his development, processing information, actively assimilates social experience, as well as a system of social connections and relationships, and subsequently reproduces all this in his life. In the course of this process, he acquires the qualities, values, beliefs and forms of behavior that he needs for normal life.
Ensuring the information security of a child implies protection because of the destabilizing effect of information on health and mental, spiritual and moral development; creation of conditions for the information environment for positive socialization and individualization of the personality, optimal social, personal, cognitive and physical development, preservation of somatic, mental and psychological health and well-being, the formation of a positive worldview. The latter is possible when determining the main directions of state policy in the interests of children and the key mechanisms for its implementation, based on the generally recognized principles and norms of the international law.
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