• Диасамидзе Мзия Ресановна кандидат физико-математических наук, профессор, департамент базовых дисциплин, факультет навигации, Батумская Государственная Морская Академия, г. Батуми, Грузия
  • Телия Тамаз Николаевич кандидат технических наук, ассоциированный профессор, департамент базовых дисциплин, факультет навигации, Батумская Государственная Морская Академия, г. Батуми, Грузия
  • Моцкобили Ия Ревазовна доктора информатики, ассоциированный профессор, департамент базовых дисциплин, факультет навигации, Батумская Государственная Морская Академия, г. Батуми, Грузия
Keywords: interdisciplinary communication, learning efficiency, temperature coefficient of resistance, thermistor, correlation, approximation


The article analyzes the influence of the relationship of basic subjects with general technical subjects in the learning process for students of marine specialties. It is possible to realize this connection by developing and implementing engineering problems that a student at the BSMA will have to face both in primary courses and in the study of special subjects. Our early research results indicate the effectiveness of the use of such a teaching method as a means of developing students' thinking. Our institution is a specific technical university. Graduates have to work in extremely dangerous situations at sea, and they have to decide the fate of passengers, ship and cargo in a matter of minutes. Therefore, special thinking is an essential feature of a sailor. While studying, along with other subjects, students study various marine equipment, conduct observations of measuring instruments (for example, temperature in the engine room, in turbine pumps, etc.). The article considers the engineering problem - determining the value of the linear temperature coefficient of a thermistor in Excel. Based on the basic data, a graph of the dependence of temperature on resistance is constructed, a linear temperature coefficient and the reliability of the approximation value are determined. It is established whether the device used is laboratory. The corresponding conclusions are made.


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How to Cite
Диасамидзе Мзия Ресановна, Телия Тамаз Николаевич, & Моцкобили Ия Ревазовна. (2020). МЕЖПРЕДМЕТНАЯ СВЯЗЬ – КАК ПУТЬ ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ КУРСОВ „ОБЩЕЙ ФИЗИКИ И МАТЕМАТИКИ“ В БГМА С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ КОМПЬЮТЕРНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (5(47), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/31052020/7092