The article analyses the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine covering the assignment of economic intellectual property rights. It concluded that legal acts provide various terms and synonyms. The article provides the overview of the relevant clauses of the elaborated draft laws in intellectual property field. It is noted that in these draft laws changes in terminology are not given due attention. The article proposes the changes to the Civil Code of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine "On Protection of Plant Variety Rights", "On Protection of Rights to the Composition of Semiconductor Products" and draft laws of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on Patent Legislation Reform)" , "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Strengthening the Protection and Advocacy of Rights to Trademarks and Industrial Designs and Combating Patent Trolling" and "On Copyright and Related Rights".
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Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України щодо посилення охорони і захисту прав на торговельні марки і промислові зразки та боротьби з патентним тролінгом: Проект Закону від 11.10.2019 No 2258. URL: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=67063.
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