• Нагребельна Л. П. Аспірант кафедри транспортні системи та безпека дорожнього руху Державне підприємство «Державний дорожній науково-дослідний інститут ім. М.П.Шнльгіна» (ДП «ДерждорНДІ»), відділ безпеки дорожнього руху, науковий співробітник https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5615-9075
  • Поліщук В. П. Доктор технічних наук, професор Кафедра транспортні системи та безпека дорожнього руху Національний транспортний університет https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3145-7225
Keywords: modeling methods, queuing theory, street and road network, traffic flow, traffic jam


The object of the study is the improvement of traffic management on the main street and road network of the city. Actually, there are many techniques that allow simulating the traffic flows with sufficient accuracy. One of such models is a mathematical model, which allows calculating the main characteristics of a traffic flow on the basis of a few initial data and is considered as a queuing system.
Modeling allows pre-determining the impact of traffic management measures on the existing street and road network without creating interference for drivers, making changes to the design of road, increasing the traffic volume, as well as involving the possible overloaded areas.
An analysis of the researches of scientists who have considered similar methods in their works had been performed. The fundamental flaw of the mentioned works is that in none of them the study of the model of a real road section was performed for verifying of the model adequacy. Modeling allows understanding more accurately the behavior of an object with less approximations than mathematical models, and provides less researching and forecasting of the system behavior with significant changes in the initial concepts. It is indicated that for the first approximation it is expedient to use mathematical models, and for clarifying the characteristics – to use non- mathematical methods, in particular, simulation.
It is proved that simulation is a powerful tool for studying the behavior of real systems. It is mainly used to study situations and systems that can be described as queuing systems.
Using the queuing theory, it becomes possible to perform certain calculations and determine indicators of effectiveness of the queuing system.
Obtained result of the indicators will help to determine the street and road network areas where a traffic jam may form for any reason, where the road will be overloaded. This makes it possible to develop a high-quality algorithm for quick elimination of traffic jam.


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How to Cite
Нагребельна Л. П., & Поліщук В. П. (2020). ВИКОРИСТАННЯ ТЕОРІЇ МАСОВОГО ОБСЛУГОВУВАННЯ ДЛЯ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ УПРАВЛІННЯ ДОРОЖНІМ РУХОМ НА МАГІСТРАЛЬНІЙ ВУЛИЧНО-ДОРОЖНІЙ МЕРЕЖІ МІСТ. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar, (4(46), 8-12. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_wos/30042020/7039