Science Review <p style="color: #000;"><strong>The journal Science Review has ceased publication and is no longer accepting submissions.<br></strong></p> <p>All previously published articles are available through the Archives. The journal is archived in PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) via the LOCKSS initiative, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.</p> en-US <p>All articles are published in open-access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Hence, authors retain copyright to the content of the articles.<br>CC BY 4.0 License allows content to be copied, adapted, displayed, distributed, re-published or otherwise re-used for any purpose including for adaptation and commercial use provided the content is attributed.</p> (RS Global, Editorial office (journals department)) (Technical Support) Fri, 30 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 INFLUENCE OF WALL SCATTERING EFFECT ON ELECTRONS GAS DYNAMICS PARAMETERS IN ELECTRIC PROPULSION THRUSTERS WITH CLOSED ELECTRON DRIFT <p>The analysis is represented of some works devoted to the mathematical modeling of processes in plasma-ion thrusters and Hall effect thrusters. It is shown that the common in these works is the use of approximate forms of the equations of gas dynamics, which are applicable to the description of relatively dense gases, but not to analyze the processes in the rarefied plasma of electric propulsion thrusters. As a result, the above mathematical models do not represent the processes that are significantly responsible for the values of the thruster operating parameters.<br>Authors try to partially correct this drawback by insertion into the initial approximate forms of the equations written for a point in the plasma volume, the parameters that actually represent the boundary effects and should be written not in the equations of gas dynamics themselves, but in the boundary conditions for these equations.<br>The most complete forms of the necessary equations are given in this paper. It is shown that it is necessary to take into account electrons thermal conductivity as well as at least one (radial-azimuth) component of viscosity tensor to describe the "wall scattering" effect.<br>It is concluded that the most productive approach in mathematical modeling is to write the most complete forms of equations with their subsequent simplification – removing the terms responsible for the processes recognized on the basis of primary numerical estimates as such, which can be neglected.</p> Guo Zongshuai,, Huang Zhihao Copyright (c) 2021 Guo Zongshuai,, Huang Zhihao Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 INTERVAL EDGE COLORING OF TREES WITH STRICT RESTRICTIONS ON THE SPECTRUMS <p>An edge-coloring of a graph <em>G</em> with consecutive integers <em>C<sub>1 </sub>,..., C<sub>t</sub></em> is called an interval <em>t</em>-coloring if all the colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of <em>G</em> are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph <em>G</em> is interval colorable if it has an interval <em>t</em>-coloring for some positive integer <em>t</em>. For an edge coloring <em>a</em> and a vertex <em>v</em> the set of all the colors of the incident edges of <em>v</em> is called the spectrum of that vertex in <em>a</em> and is denoted by <em>Sa</em>(<em>v</em>). We consider the case where the spectrum for each vertex <em>v</em> is provided <em>S</em>(<em>v</em>), and the problem is to find an edge-coloring <em>a</em> such that for every vertex <em>v</em>, <em>Sa</em>(<em>v</em>)=<em>S</em>(<em>v</em>). We provide an <em>O</em>(<em>N</em>) algorithm that finds such an edge-coloring for trees that satisfies all the restrictions. If it is impossible to have an edge-coloring that satisfies the restrictions of the spectrums the algorithm will tell that too.</p> Albert Khachik Sahakyan Copyright (c) 2021 Albert Khachik Sahakyan Tue, 15 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000 HEALING PROPERTIES OF YUCCA GLORIOSA AND ITS CULTIVATION PERSPECTIVES IN AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT OF IMERETI <p>Yucca Gloriosa species belong to a very interesting group of plants, their consumption is diverse. As biochemical studies reveal, some types of Yucca leaves contain tigogenin and stereogenic sapogenin, which is the source of syntheses of steroidal hormonal medicine. Yucca as a raw material is a valuable set for the pharmaco-chemical industry. Yucca was introduced in Georgia in the 19th century. Yucca has a great ability to be adapted to the different ecological environment. Among 11 introduced species in Transcaucasia, Yucca Gloriosa L. is distinguished with its relatively high content of healing substances. Yucca gloriosa L. blooms well in climatic conditions of Georgia, although, they don’t provide seeds. The plant easily vegetates by dividing into 10-20cm length parts that later are introduced in the soil. Propagation is also processed by rooting of the 1-year young rosette. It is noteworthy that the Yucca stem does not lose its ability to take root even after a few days in air-dry conditions.</p> Roza Lortkipanidze, Shorena Tvalodze Copyright (c) 2021 Roza Lortkipanidze, Shorena Tvalodze Wed, 14 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PHARMACOTHERAPY OF SYSTEMIC AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES IN CONDITIONS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: INNOVATIVE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY <p>The article presents the results of an innovative experimental study of pharmacotherapy of systemic autoimmune diseases in a pandemic of coronavirus infection is a timely and socially oriented way. The methodology of conducting a content analysis based on the theoretical principles of pharmaceutical and medical law and its components. Author used the method of drug selection developed by the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Law, General and Clinical Pharmacy of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Content analysis was performed by dosage forms by grouping them using the Sturgess formula, followed by the construction of discrete series of variations and distribution polygon. Received data made possible to state, that in some circumstances, doctors have a choice of both drugs and dosage forms. However, the data obtained show a lack of balance between supply and demand for patients and physicians. The analysis allows to obtain a complete description of the balance of "supply and demand" between the range and types of dosage forms of drugs INN Silymarin ATC code A05BA03, that approved for use.</p> Ihor Hayduchok Copyright (c) 2021 Ihor Hayduchok Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:00:00 +0000 SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION ON NORMATIVE ISSUES OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SANITARY AND HYGIENIC EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DEMANDS IN PHARMACY ESTABLISHMENTS DURING COVID DISEASES IN THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA <p>Protecting safe working conditions involves the use of ineffective and reliable means of preventing industrial injuries and occupational diseases, technologies, equipment and others. It is natural that the fields, technological processes, etc., are characterized by their specifics and the safety rules should be different for them. In pharmacies, laboratories, training and scientific research laboratories, warehouses, production equipment are subject to daily cleaning. Cabinets in storage rooms should be cleaned as needed, but at least once a week. Wet cleaning of the pharmacy, laboratory/ factory (floor and equipment) before starting work. Only dry cleaning of laboratory / production using disinfectants is not allowed. Waste and rubbish should be collected in special containers with a moving lid and should be removed at least once a day. Hand-washed sinks, toilets and garbage containers should be cleaned, rinsed and disinfected daily. Personnel are required to follow the rules of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation, to carry out the relevant personnel to perform food, smoking, as well as storage of food, tobacco and personal medicines in pharmacies, training and scientific research laboratories and departures. Pharmaceutical establishments do not comply with the hygienic norms of the internal and external environment, physical, chemical and biological factors of the labor process. The facility also does not take into account psychosocial factors related to safety (stress, communication, post-traumatic stress, etc.); Most pharmaceutical establishments (50-60%) do not have a fire board with appropriate equipment, evacuation exit and scheme. Also has no person responsible for the matter; Disobsibility and specialist protection/separation facility prior to pandemic were minimal (increased by 99%) during pandemic; The state should create an appropriate legislative and institutional framework; We think this will help transform the existing department into an effective labor inspectorate. The possibility will be created of the institutional capacity of its independence and efficiency, and the law will also provide guarantees for the individual independence of inspectors. Also, the bill should directly refer to the Labor Inspectorate as the body responsible for law enforcement.</p> Nana Gorgaslidze, Nodar Sulashvili Copyright (c) 2021 Nana Gorgaslidze, Nodar Sulashvili Fri, 16 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PHARMACOLOGICAL VIEW ON THE PROBLEM OF COMORBIDITY IN THE PHARMACOTHERAPY OF CHRONIC PANCREATITIS <p>The article presents the results of the research concerning the pharmacotherapy of patients with chronic pancreatitis with comorbidity from the pharmacological view. During the study pharmacological approach to the problem of comorbidity among patients with chronic pancreatitis was analyzed. A survey among doctors and pharmacists was used during the research along with normative and legal, documentary, retrospective, bibliographic, systemic, forensic-pharmaceutical, sociological (questionnaire survey), comparative, graphic, mathematical analysis methods. The most common comorbid diseases that patients suffer from alongside with chronic pancreatitis were highlighted. Authors came to conclusion, that development of safe and affordable pharmaceutical therapy for patients with chronic pancreatitis and comorbidity is very important.</p> Iryna Tukhar, Viktoriya Shapovalova, Valentyn Shapovalov, Valeriy Shapovalov Copyright (c) 2021 Iryna Tukhar, Viktoriya Shapovalova, Valentyn Shapovalov, Valeriy Shapovalov Mon, 31 May 2021 00:00:00 +0000