• Amirbekova Aigul Baydebekkyzy candidate of philological sciences, Head of the Lexicology Department, Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakhstan
  • Khabiyeva Almagul candidate of philological sciences, Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakhstan
  • Soltanbekova Alfia candidate of philological sciences, Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakhstan
  • Taubaldiyev Meirambek master of philological sciences Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakhstan
Keywords: valency, compatibility, language, word semantics, syntagmatic, logical, lexical, grammatical relation


The article deals with the concept of valency as a phenomenon lying at the confluence of syntax and lexical semantics. The paper also represents types of valency, directions in which the theory of valency is considered. Valency in the broad sense of the word refers to the capacity of a language unit to enter into communication with other units of a particular order. Objectivity and scientific and practical significance of the theory of valency is determined by the lexical- semantic potential of the word. Semantic valency is based on the logical semes of the word semantics. These semes are consistent with the logical semes of the another word meanings, as a result, the given word demonstrates the combining capability with another word. This is considered to be its semantic valency. We have attempted to identify and investigate a peculiar kind of valency in the Kazakh language. We use the concepts of valency and compatibility as synonyms, but in a number of works they are distinguished.


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How to Cite
Amirbekova Aigul Baydebekkyzy, Khabiyeva Almagul, Soltanbekova Alfia, & Taubaldiyev Meirambek. (2019). COMPATIBILITY OF LANGUAGE UNITS IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE AND THEIR CAPABILITY. Science Review, (7(24), 36-39.