• Штифурак В. Є. професор, д.пед.н., Кафедра права, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Київського торговельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця, Україна
  • Самохвал О. О. доцент, к.пед.н., Кафедра іноземної філології та перекладу Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Київського торговельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця, Україна
Keywords: curriculum, competency approach, specialty in tourism, university of applied science, German-speaking country


The research deals with the theoretical substantiation of a content component of vocational training of future specialists in tourism and analysis of the key processes of organizing higher tourism education in German-speaking countries. The article contains the pedagogical analysis of curricula for the training of future managerial staff in tourism at leading higher education institutions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The results of the research made it possible to establish disciplinary levels of professional formation within the system of undergraduate education leading to Bachelor degree in Tourism (Fundamentally Professional, Functionally Professional and Subject-Oriented) and of graduate education leading to Master's degree in Tourism (Object-Oriented, Practical and Applied, Scientific-Research). It is generated that a special attention in the organization of educational process is given to the quality of training. It is provided by the ability to quick adaption within the scientific and technological progress, the possession of vocational skills, the ability to use knowledge acquired in solving professional tasks; acquisition of skills and improvement of soft skills; formation of tourism industry specialist's readiness for foreign language interaction.
It is proved that the background of forming the content component of vocational training of future specialists in tourism is based on a competency approach involving the construction of the education process, taking into account education guidelines, goals and content of tourism education and training.


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How to Cite
Штифурак В. Є., & Самохвал О. О. (2020). ТЕОРЕТИЧНЕ ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ ЗМІСТОВОГО КОМПОНЕНТА ФАХОВОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ МАЙБУТНІХ ФАХІВЦІВ ТУРИСТИЧНОЇ ГАЛУЗІ НІМЕЦЬКОМОВНИХ КРАЇН. Science Review, (4(31), 12-19. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_sr/30042020/7051